Lördagen den 27 Juli 2024 - Senast uppdaterad 2022.11.10 - kl 15.27  

The Nexxt Business Concept and Guiding Principles

The Nexxt Business Concept is to assess and mediate owner-led companies with sales between € 200 000 and € 5 000 000. We are the competent, modern and flexible business partner with vast experience from different brokering situations. Our attitude bears the stamp of commitment, competence and discretion and with absolute respect for the needs of our customers.

The Nexxt Network

Nexxt is an association of independent business brokers contributing to more effective market communications and offering an arena for cooperation and inspiration All consultants have experience from leading positions within the private sector and a solid understanding of complex business processes.

The Nexxt Method of Working

Nexxt Business Brokering represents a reliable, frank and serious method of working. We create interest in out objects through different activities. We use the Internet and advertise in the daily press and the business press. We make dispatches and contact potential interested parties by phone and regular mail, but foremost we utilize our network.

The Nexxt Services

Nexxt accepts both search and sales missions. A search mission could be formulated as a certain business of a certain size within a certain geographical area. A sales mission could include the entire business or parts thereof. When we have received a sales mission, we start by developing a thorough and descriptive prospectus which is easy to understand. A prospectus developed by Nexxt usually comprises ten to twenty-five pages with all the important data and a relevant economic prognosis for the future.

Contact Nexxt

Please be invited to contact any of the consultants within Nexxt for a personal contact regarding our objects or our method of working. You can also contact us to receive more information by sending an email to kollegium@nexxt.se

Sydsvenska Industri- & Handelskammaren
DI - Dagens Industri
TenRep AB

Visste du att!?
Sverige har 1 200 mil järnväg varav 400 mil är dubbel- eller flerspår. 1 100 mil är elektrifierad.

Beställ våra böcker
Beställ våra böcker
Nexxt Företagsmäklare förmedlar företag i omsättningsintervallet några till cirka tjugofem miljoner i årsomsättning hos uppdragsföretagen.

Boken handlar till stor del om affärssituationer som gått fel och läget har havererat eller varit nära att haverera och i några fall slutat i inget.

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